Our Story

We are a clothing and accessories brand. But we are more than just that! Desi quirky fashion for everyday that exudes confidence with a touch of ‘desiness’.

Coming from a small town of Mangalore, I was raised by a working class woman who instilled the idea of being independent, no matter who you are or where you are born.

I started and built my career in technology recruitment for 14 years spanning multiple countries. But I had a dream - a dream of creating something of my own. My own label, my own brand, my own style. Throughout corporate life, styling my own formal wear with a touch of color and art was a huge creative outlet for me. But pursuing a career in clothing and fashion was a frightening prospect.  

And then the pandemic kicked our asses! It showed how fragile life is. And so I decided to leave corporate and took the entrepreneurial plunge. It was now or never!

After a year of extensive research on the fashion segment, exploring fabric markets, meeting vendors, understanding incorporations, building content, curating and creating pieces that spoke to me, and talking to potential customers, Bae Go Cray was born in 2022. 

I truly believe that if you put your mind to it, you can achieve everything you desire. Yes there will be tears, anxiety and coffee, lots of it, but a sense of accomplishment awaits you on the other side.

And so the journey begins…  

We at Bae Go Cray are helping tell stories of independent and unapologetic women pushing their boundaries in every aspect of their lives. We represent the ‘Boss Lady’. 

Sustainable Concept


One of our pillars at Bae Go Cray is to celebrate the idea of re-wearing an outfit, hence all our pieces are curated and designed to fulfill this very purpose. You can wear a Bae Go Cray outfit to the office and then wear it for a Sunday brunch. 

How we think about money


As fashion enthusiasts, we always look for outfits that are stylish but not exorbitant. Hence the idea was to create a brand that designs beauty at affordable prices.

Confidence is the key

Love for comfort 

We have ingrained the whole idea of confidence in comfort. If you feel comfy and stylish in what you are wearing it instantly shows in your confidence.